The Eternals Truth

Audio Library

7000 Year Plan Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Better Resurrection Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Blind Eye Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Christian Passover Ceremony Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Christmas Story Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Faithful Servant Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Friend of God Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Lesson From Lot Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Mother's Touch Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Privileged People Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Spiritual X-Factor Art Last updated 2 years ago
A Thirst for Righteousness Art Last updated 2 years ago
Addicted to God Art Last updated 2 years ago
After Trumpets Art Last updated 2 years ago
After the Feast, Now What? Art Last updated 2 years ago
All In! Art Last updated 2 years ago
An End to War Art Last updated 2 years ago
Apathy Art Last updated 2 years ago
Atonement and Forgiveness Art Last updated 2 years ago
Attain Your Goal Art Last updated 2 years ago
Attitude Art Last updated 2 years ago
Awakening Art Last updated 2 years ago
Barnabas Art Last updated 2 years ago
Be Ye Holy Art Last updated 2 years ago
Be Ye Perfect Art Last updated 2 years ago
Breakthrough Art Last updated 2 years ago
By His Spirit Art Last updated 2 years ago
Character Art Last updated 2 years ago
Christ is Knocking Art Last updated 2 years ago
Christ is a Great King Art Last updated 2 years ago
Christmas Story Art Last updated 2 years ago
Church Government Art Last updated 2 years ago
Cleanliness and the Passover Art Last updated 2 years ago
Compartmentalization Art Last updated 2 years ago
Complaining Art Last updated 2 years ago
Conscience and Passover Art Last updated 2 years ago
Consider Our Calling Art Last updated 2 years ago
Created for Good Works Art Last updated 2 years ago
Dead to Sin Art Last updated 2 years ago
Dealing with Anger Art Last updated 2 years ago
Defense Mechanism Art Last updated 2 years ago
Die to Self Art Last updated 2 years ago
Distractions Art Last updated 2 years ago
Diverse Weights and Measures Art Last updated 2 years ago
Division Art Last updated 2 years ago
Do You See God? Art Last updated 2 years ago
Don't Forget God Art Last updated 2 years ago
Don't Quit Art Last updated 2 years ago
Don't Tap Out Art Last updated 2 years ago
Double-Minded Art Last updated 2 years ago
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Art Last updated 2 years ago
Drifting Art Last updated 2 years ago
Ears to Hear Art Last updated 2 years ago
Endurance Art Last updated 2 years ago
Espoused to Christ Art Last updated 2 years ago
Every Idle Word Art Last updated 2 years ago
Examine Yourself Art Last updated 2 years ago
Failure Art Last updated 2 years ago
Familiarity Art Last updated 2 years ago
Fan the Flame Art Last updated 2 years ago
Feelings Art Last updated 2 years ago
Forgetting God Art Last updated 2 years ago
Friendly Fire Art Last updated 2 years ago
Fruits of the Spirit Art Last updated 2 years ago
Get Back Art Last updated 2 years ago
Giant Killers Art Last updated 2 years ago
God Saves the Best for Last Art Last updated 2 years ago
God of Second Chances Art Last updated 2 years ago
God's Law of Reciprocity Giving Art Last updated 2 years ago
God, The Father Art Last updated 2 years ago
Gratitude Art Last updated 2 years ago
Greatest Commandment Art Last updated 2 years ago
Guard Your Conscience Art Last updated 2 years ago
Honor God Art Last updated 2 years ago
Honor Our Mother Art Last updated 2 years ago
Hope Art Last updated 2 years ago
How Then Shall We Live? Art Last updated 2 years ago
How the Kingdom Will Spread Art Last updated 2 years ago
How to Forgive Others Art Last updated 2 years ago
How to Forgive Yourself Art Last updated 2 years ago
Humpty Dumpty Art Last updated 2 years ago
I Never Knew You Art Last updated 2 years ago
I Will Never Forsake You Art Last updated 2 years ago
If I Get to be Five Art Last updated 2 years ago
If Only I Would Have Known Art Last updated 2 years ago
Importance of Thanksgiving Art Last updated 2 years ago
Inner Man Art Last updated 2 years ago
Inside Out and Outside In Art Last updated 2 years ago
Integrating Our Faith – Constant Connection Art Last updated 2 years ago
Intimacy with God Art Last updated 2 years ago
Is There a Way of Escape? Art Last updated 2 years ago
It's About Time Art Last updated 2 years ago
It's Hard to Kick Against the Pricks Art Last updated 2 years ago
It's Not About You Art Last updated 2 years ago
Jeremiah's Girdle Art Last updated 2 years ago
Just Let Go Art Last updated 2 years ago
Kicking Against the Pricks Art Last updated 2 years ago
Laodicea vs. The Sabbath Art Last updated 2 years ago
Leave Your Mark Art Last updated 2 years ago
Leave an Inheritance of a Right Example Art Last updated 2 years ago
Lesson From Saul Art Last updated 2 years ago
Letter From the Devil Art Last updated 2 years ago
Liars Won't Enter the Kingdom Art Last updated 2 years ago
Little Things Mean a Lot Art Last updated 2 years ago
Looking at the Conscience Art Last updated 2 years ago
Lovers of Pleasure Art Last updated 2 years ago
Loving Father Art Last updated 2 years ago
Matthew 18 Art Last updated 2 years ago
Meanings of Leaven Art Last updated 2 years ago
Most Dangerous Man Art Last updated 2 years ago
Must We Qualify for the Kingdom? Art Last updated 2 years ago
No More Than You Can Bear Art Last updated 2 years ago
Now I Know Art Last updated 2 years ago
Now, the End Begins Art Last updated 2 years ago
Oh, How Love I Thy Law Art Last updated 2 years ago
One Moment in Time Art Last updated 2 years ago
Partial Obedience to God Art Last updated 2 years ago
Passover From the Beginning Art Last updated 2 years ago
Passover Thoughts Art Last updated 2 years ago
Patience Art Last updated 2 years ago
Persistance Art Last updated 2 years ago
Persons of Integrity Art Last updated 2 years ago
Pharisees, Laodicea and Us Art Last updated 2 years ago
Political Correctness in the Church Art Braidic Last updated 3 years ago
Priviledged Art Last updated 2 years ago
Procrastination Art Last updated 2 years ago
Qualify for the Kingdom Art Last updated 2 years ago
Re-Creation Sermon Art Last updated 2 years ago
Real Self-Examination Art Last updated 2 years ago
Red Heifer Art Last updated 2 years ago
Regain and Maintain Your First Love Art Last updated 2 years ago
Remember the Reward Art Last updated 2 years ago
Remember the Sabbath to Keep it Holy Art Last updated 2 years ago
Righteous Judgement Art Last updated 2 years ago
Spiritual Apathy Art Last updated 2 years ago
Spiritual Erosion Art Last updated 2 years ago
Stay on the Path Art Last updated 2 years ago
Steps to Overcoming Sin Art Last updated 2 years ago
Stones of Fire Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 10: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 10: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 11 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 12: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 12: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 13: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 13: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 14: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 14: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 14: Part 3 & Chapter 15: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 15: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 16: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 16: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 17: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 17: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 18 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 19: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 19: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 1: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 1: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 1: Part 3 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 1: Part 4 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 20 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 21 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 2: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 2: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 2: Part 3 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 3: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 3: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 3: Part 3 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 4: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 4: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 4: Part 3 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 5: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 5: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 5: Part 3 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 5: Part 4 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 6: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 6: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 6: Part 3 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 6: Part 4 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 6: Part 5 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 6: Part 6 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 6: Part 7 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 7 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 8: Part 1 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 8: Part 2 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Chapter 9 Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Book of John, Introduction Admin Last updated 2 years ago
The Great Multitude Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Lord is My Shepherd Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Marriage Supper Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Most Dangerous Man Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Plug-in Drug Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Red Heifer Randall Last updated 2 years ago
The Song Service Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Spiritual X Factor Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Steps to True Christianity Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Symbolism of Passover and Unleavened Bread Art Last updated 2 years ago
The Uncertainty Principle Art Braidic Last updated 3 years ago
The Value of Our Tests and Trials Art Last updated 2 years ago
Time to Awake Art Last updated 2 years ago
Trust God Art Last updated 2 years ago
Unity Art Last updated 2 years ago
What About Him? Art Last updated 2 years ago
What Really Matters Art Last updated 2 years ago
What We Want and Need the Most Art Last updated 2 years ago
What's Your Plan? Art Last updated 2 years ago
When God Says No Art Last updated 2 years ago
Who is as Great as God– The Passover Art Last updated 2 years ago
Whoever – Whenever – Wherever – Whatever Art Last updated 2 years ago
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Art Last updated 2 years ago
Why Do You Seek The Kingdom Art Braidic Last updated 3 years ago
Will I Find Faith? Art Last updated 2 years ago
Without Guile Art Last updated 2 years ago
Without Spot Art Last updated 2 years ago
Without Vision Art Last updated 2 years ago
Work For God Art Last updated 2 years ago
You Can Make It Art Braidic Last updated 3 years ago
You Can Make a Difference Art Last updated 2 years ago